
English activities

Developing Oral Skills: Telling Your Story
Students will learn how to mine their memories for formative stories they want to share with the world. We will go over the fundamentals of writing true, first-person stories and brainstorm together. By the end of the workshop, paricipants will share aloud a 4-5 minute story about a place, relationship, experience or idea that matters to them, and will be given the opportunity to record their stories.

Developing Oral Skills: Making a Persuasive Argument
Participants will learn strategies such as critical thinking, media analysis, media literacy, and online research in order to create and deliver a strong persuasive argument. We will watch videos and read essays to study how others create meaningful sociological arguments. Recommended for students with intermediate to advanced English skills.

Planning and Drafting: Short Story
Before beginning to write a short story, many writers must spend time setting themselves up for success. This includes organizing their time, building strong habits, and planning out aspects of their story in advance. Together in class we will go through a series of exercises to envision the world, characters, central conflict, stakes, goal, logline, theme, and beats of your story. Thursdays will be reserved for in-class writing and I will be available to answer any questions as they arise during the drafting process. By the end of the class, students will have a strong outline and the tools they need to complete a short story.

